Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stop. It's office time.

Lately I've been in the office a lot.
That's surprisingly okay with me.
I've got a lot of stuff to do getting ready for the orientation of the volunteer program I'm working on, so it feels good to be in the office where I can see tangible evidence of my progress.
Such as the Bad A poster I made. It's got swords on it
Additionally, we're subtitling the program A NEW HOPE and we're gonna try to make a star wars replica poster.

Here's a picture of me in my field gear. Another reason why office work isn't so bad

Other things that have been going on?
It's cooling down here, meaning the days are, at most, getting into the mid 80s but the nights are pretty cold. Getting down to the 40s.

I know I know, It snowed 5 inches in B ham last night. SUCKAS

Since October 1 I've had
Mom, Gram, Sheila, Colleen
Jordan (with Jen and Dom)

Come to visit! It's been magical.

I'm also real sick. I don't know what it is but it's not getting better. Felt really bummed about it today and decided that I'm gonna go to the doctor ASAP even though I don't have health insurance.
Sigh a frenzy of sighs.
I hope I have something diagnosable. I hate being told "well, it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with you..." Hate
That actually doesn't happen very often because I hate going to the doctor when I'm ill. I'd much rather just wait it out but I don't wanna be sick when I go to Argentina in a month

Although, my Dad did have a good point

They've got socialized health care in Argentina
